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Director’s Chair

Alumni Shine from Shore to Shore

August 25, 2016

Dear Alumni and Friends,

All year, I have been on the road visiting our Cal Alumni Association (CAA) Alumni Chapters. From the beautiful banks of the Potomac and the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, to the Pacific Coast’s beautiful Monterey Peninsula, the Cal alumni community continues to grow its ranks. You are full of energy, and your ongoing commitment to the University inspires me. I am motivated by you, our amazing and dedicated alumni.

Our fellow alumni passionately support Cal across the country — Orange County members welcomed newly admitted students; Cal alumni at Wells Fargo evaluated scholarship applicants; the Black Alumni Club welcomed alumni and leaders to campus during Black2Cal 2016; Houston members sought new opportunities to advocate for the University; and Cal alumni at Google, one of our newest partners, grew their Corporate Alumni Committee. I’ve met with the Chinese Chapter, the Japanese American Women Alumnae of UC Berkeley, and the historic Prytanean Alumnae chapter, who are all engaged in great work.

We’ve met together at Hoops Parties, Leadership Retreats, our Alumni Chapter Leadership Conference, and an exciting CALIFORNIA Live! event in Los Angeles — all in an effort to stay connected to one another and to the University. Our work is important and engaging — forging relationships and creating a lasting connection to Cal.

We’re working hard to bring more alumni into this remarkable family of Berkeley’s most avid supporters. It is clear that you see your membership in CAA as richly rewarding. Help us grow by reaching out to alumni who are not currently CAA members and inviting them to join us in this extraordinary network of people who are passionate about Cal. We remain the number one public university in the world through the active engagement of stellar alumni like you. Together, we do great things! I am so proud to be numbered among you.

Fiat Lux and Go Bears!

Clothilde Hewlett ’76, J.D. ’79
Executive Director