Alex Zwissler ’79
Principal, Einstellung Labs

A 1979 graduate in political science, Alex Zwissler brings a lifelong passion and commitment to all things Cal in his service to the Alumni Association.
Zwissler is currently the Principal of Einstellung Labs, a consultancy providing strategic solutions to the nonprofit community. Previously Zwissler was CEO of Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, the Executive Director of the Fort Mason Foundation in San Francisco, and a senior executive in the cable television and telecommunications industry in the US and the UK.
He has served in the leadership of both local and national non-profits, including the Association of Science and Technology Centers, Techbridge for Girls, Cool the Earth, The Crucible, The Non-profit Centers Network, and the Gateways STEM Network. In 2014 he was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown as a Commissioner of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.
As his friends and family will attest, Alex is a die-hard Cal football fan, organizing his life around game day each fall. Go Bears!