Babak Nikravesh ’92
Economics & History
San Mateo, CA
Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig

Babak Nikravesh is a shareholder at Greenberg Traurig LLP, where he works closely with sponsors and managers of investment funds and represents major institutional investors on their investment transactions.
Babak earned his B.A. in economics and history from UC Berkeley and his J.D. from the UCLA School of Law. He also received an LL.M. from the London School of Economics and Political Science and an M.A. from Stanford University.
During his time at Berkeley, Babak was a CalSO counselor, studied abroad in the UK, and was a member of Pi Kappa Phi. He was also a candidate for student government with the Monster Truck Coalition, a tongue-in-cheek political party noted for its advocacy of such progressive causes as student-faculty mud wrestling to resolve academic disputes and a monkey-run massage parlor during finals week. As a 2024 board member, Babak is keen to continue the CAA’s good work and help build a strong Berkeley community.
In his free time, Babak enjoys hiking, traveling, and coaching youth soccer. Babak lives in San Mateo with his wife and two children.