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John Randall “Randy” Stephenson

June 22, 2023

John Randall “Randy” Stephenson is pleased to announce the publication of his first book entitled: “Blood In Your Boots: Navy SEAL Stories from the Silver Strand (1957-1967)”. The book consists of a series of true stories about his father, Capt. John M. “Maxie” Stephenson, Jr. USNR, who served as an officer and operator in Navy SEAL Team One and Underwater Demolition Team 12 from 1957 to 1967 in Coronado, California. 

As the oldest son of a prominent ranching and farming family in Wyoming, who does not even know how to swim when he is drafted into the Navy, the book chronicles Maxie’s completion of the famous Navy SEAL training in Coronado, and some of the challenges he faced as an officer in the early days of Navy Special Warfare. 

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