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Email Request Instructions

  1. Prior to submitting your request, please communicate with your CAA Chapter staff for details and guidance.
  2. Email Request Form must be submitted at least seven business weeks prior to your requested send date*. We cannot accommodate your request if your submission is less than seven weeks. Please contact CAA Chapter staff with questions. Use one of our email templates to organize your copy and attach the document to the “EMAIL BODY CONTENT” section of your form: Single Event Invitation Template OR Single Subject Email Announcement Template.
  3. The target send date should be no later than two weeks prior to the event.
  4. Please submit all content for the requested communication along with your request.
  5. All event details and a link to your online event registration (such as a Facebook event or Eventbrite page) must be included in the submission.

*Send date may shift depending on the current email schedule.

Update Your Contact Information

Moved recently? Changed your email address? We’ll update your details so you can stay connected and meet alumni near you.

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