Governor Jerry Brown released his proposed $132 billion state budget on January 10, which includes a boost to University of California funding, but fails to meet all of UC’s needs. UC President Janet Napolitano and UC Board of Regents Chair George Kieffer issued the following statement on the budget:
The University of California is pleased that the governor’s budget announced today provides for a funding increase to our core educational budget. This 3 percent increase, however, is less than we anticipated under the framework we established with the governor. That agreement acknowledged the need for ongoing, predictable state funding to maintain UC quality and access while requiring the university to lower its cost structure.
The university will continue to work toward fulfilling its commitments under the framework by spring 2018 and has an ambitious strategy in place to achieve the final component, which is related to transfer student enrollment.
The governor’s budget plan does not include funding for UC enrollment growth. The university is committed to adding an additional 2,000 California undergraduates in fall 2018, including 1,500 that it will fund from its own resources. We have also requested support to add 500 more graduate students, who are critical to the university’s research mission and to meeting the state’s workforce needs. The state budget process has just begun and we hope to continue conversations with the governor and the Legislature to ensure expanded access for fall 2018 and to restore the university to the funding envisioned in the framework.
The proposed budget marks the beginning of the annual budgeting processes, with negotiations between the governor, legislators, and UC continuing until the budget is signed this summer.
The Cal Alumni Association is partnering with the UC Office of the President to advocate for UC Berkeley. Join the UC Advocacy Network to receive updates on negotiations and take part in our grassroots advocacy efforts to fight for Cal.
Find more details on the governor’s proposed budget here.