Alumni Scholars Attend Mock Interviews Hosted by Cal Alumni
On July 10, 50 Cal alumni and 20 recent graduates and students attended a virtual mock interview session. In response to the challenges Alumni Scholars and recent graduates are facing in the current job market, the Alumni Scholars Program set a goal of helping them connect with alumni who can provide interview tips as well as moral support. About half of the students and recent graduates that attended were unemployed and actively looking for jobs.
During the session, Claudia Sandoval ’91 shared best practices for virtual interviews. Sandoval is a leadership development and executive coach with a background in ethnic studies and history.
She gave advice on how to prepare for an interview and follow up after it, and shared resources for students and alumni seeking job interview tips during these challenging times.
Read reflections from alumni and student participants on their experiences.
“I am a [Cal Alumni Association (CAA)] scholarship recipient from the Class of 1978. CAA is the ONE Cal organization I have stayed connected with over the years as a donor of time and dollars. I am proud to have stayed connected to the university through CAA and would promote volunteer opps like this anytime!” —Interview panelist
“I learned A LOT from the students/recent grads about their projects and community involvement. I was not only inspired but motivated as a fellow professional and Cal alum! Congratulations to the Class of 2020! Definitely a class/cohort to remember!” —Interview panelist
“It’s amazing to see how many Cal alumni showed up to help scholars! It makes me proud to be part of the Cal alumni organization.” —Student participant
We are always looking for alumni volunteers willing to connect with our Alumni Scholars. Learn more.