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Young Alums

From Cal to “Wings of Gold”

David Julian’s Cal degree has taken him beyond what he imagined.

January 27, 2025
by Nia Coats
David Julian in front of an aircraft in Pensacola, Florida, where he is training to be a naval aviator in the US Marine Corps. David Julian in front of an aircraft in Pensacola, Florida, where he is training to be a naval aviator in the US Marine Corps.

“Learning is a lifelong journey. It doesn’t end on graduation day,” says David Julian ’18 about his life after Cal. 

The road that each person takes after Cal is their own, but the name Cal holds is something that will follow at any point in one’s career. When Julian first entered the working world after completing his political science degree, he found himself supported by the community of Cal alums, making his time at work more comfortable. Going into his next position, the power of the UC Berkeley experience went with him. 

“Cal did a fantastic job of preparing me for the world by teaching a lot of important intangibles: the importance of showing up prepared, being thorough, drive, collaboration, perseverance, honest self-evaluation, and the benefits of healthy competition,” he says. 

Julian never thought that his political science degree would lead him to naval aircraft training. After landing his first internship before graduating, he held two jobs. Julian worked for a couple of years before deciding to leave California and join the United States Marine Corps, becoming a commissioned officer.

The Cal Alumni Association’s Alumni Chapters program allows Golden Bears to connect with fellow alums even when they are away from the UC Berkeley campus. While stationed in Quantico, Virginia for flight training, the local Alumni Chapter helped Julian feel at home in a new place. The Cal Alumni Club of Washington DC helped him experience support of the Cal community as he met and mingled with fellow alums, catching up on games with the chapter’s Cal sports watch parties and enjoying the warm summertime picnics. 

As he furthers his career, Julian expressed the importance of the lessons Cal instilled in him and he has taken them with him every step of the way. One of the most important lessons he’s learned while serving as a commissioned officer in the military was to adopt a community mindset. “My advice for anyone planning on serving as a commissioned officer in the military is first adopting the mindset that it is not about you” said Julian. His time at Cal and his prior work experiences aided in his perspective as he serves in the Marines.

“Everything you say and do has direct implications on the lives of the men and women you are entrusted with leading,” he said. “You are first and foremost their servant, and their leader.” 

Julian views his military career as a lifestyle. “It is serious business. It is not a job, rather it is a lifestyle,” he said. Through careful studying, preparation, and practice, Julian has proven that he is ready for whatever comes with this position, even if that means going airborne.  

Currently, he is in training to become a naval aviator. “If all goes well, I will earn my ‘Wings of Gold’ as a Marine Corps Helicopter Pilot at the beginning of next year, and then report to an operational fleet squadron,” he said. “It leaves little time for outside pursuits, but I do not mind because I absolutely love what I do.”

Learn more about the Cal Alumni Association’s Alumni Chapters.