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Alejandra Granados Dominguez

Stuart Smith ’70, co-owner of Smith-Madrone. / Courtesy of Stuart Smith

Stuart Smith’s Thai-Inspired Fall Recipe

Award-winning winemaker Stuart Smith ’70 shares an autumnal dish that pairs perfectly with a Smith-Madrone wine.

Kirk Tramble with peers on his graduation. / Courtesy of Kirk Tramble

Meet the President: Kirk Tramble ’93, MBA

Kirk Tramble ’93, MBA plans to advance the Cal Alumni Association’s mission as the President of the Board of Directors by increasing involvement in events and programs.

Toby Ricco ’13, M.S. ’14 / Courtesy of Toby Ricco

Bears in Business: Toby Ricco

Toby Ricco ’13, M.S. ’14, founder and CEO of Bimotal, walked into UC Berkeley with the goal of becoming an engineer and a passion for tinkering. At Cal, Ricco developed the skills and experience that have built his engineering and entrepreneurial career.

The Campanile and Doe Library. / Keegan Houser/ UC Regents
Cal Culture

CAA Staff and Board Members Share Favorite Locations at UC Berkeley

Among UC Berkeley’s vast 1,232-acre campus, certain spots can leave a lasting impact, as staff and board members of the Cal Alumni Association demonstrate.

Cal Alumni Group of San Francisco Summer Welcome Party / Courtesy of Cal Alumni Group of San Francisco

Golden Bears Get a Warm Summer Welcome

By Josephine Thornton

Cal alums across the country made Berkeley feel like home to incoming students at Summer Welcome Parties.

Sather Gate / UC Regents
Cal Culture

“When I Was at UC Berkeley…”

By Alejandra Granados Dominguez

Take a trip down memory lane with your fellow Golden Bears as they share their experiences from their time at UC Berkeley.

Eric R. Mart ’70 (left) served as president of the Cal Alumni Association Board of Directors. / Katherine Fiordalis / Cal Alumni Association

Remembering Eric R. Mart ’70, 1948–2023

Celebrating Eric R. Mart’s life and legacy, a dedicated alum who contributed to the Cal community and beyond.

Sharon Ku ’08 (right) co-founded Uji Time in 2016. The first store opened on Telegraph Avenue and has been serving taiyaki ice cream with traditional Asian flavors to the Berkeley community since then. / Cal Alumni Association / KLC Fotos / Ariel Nava
Cal Culture

Adding to Berkeley’s Multiculturalism, One Ice Cream at a Time

By Amanda Chiu

Sharon Ku ’08 uses ice cream (and her nutritional science degree) to give back to UC Berkeley and encourage multiculturalism through her dessert cafe Uji Time.

The Lair of the Golden Bear hosted LUSD middle school students at Oski Science Camp in the spring of 2023. / Cal Alumni Association
Lair of the Golden Bear

Middle School Students Experience the Lair through Oski Science Camp

The Lair hosted hundreds of middle schoolers at Oski Science Camp over the course of several months, resulting in learning, spreading Cal love, and creating long-lasting memories.

Walter Gordon’s 100-year anniversary celebration of graduating from Berkeley Law. / KLC Fotos / Ariel Nava
Cal Culture

Stories from Then and Now: The Walter Gordon Story

By Chinwe Oniah

From breaking barriers to creating history, Walter Gordon has left his mark at UC Berkeley and beyond. However, his story remains largely untold.

Anderson Franco ’10, J.D. ’13 / Courtesy of Anderson Franco

Achieving Dreams by Taking on Challenges

By Alejandra Granados Dominguez

From his time at UC Berkeley to his career in law, Anderson Franco ’10, J.D. ’13 persevered through different obstacles while remaining committed to serving his community.

Hey Zinah Photography

Alumni Advice for the Graduating Class of 2023

By Josephine Thornton

The Cal Alumni Association asked alums what advice they would share with the newest cohort of alumni Golden Bears.