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Association Member Benefits Advisors

As a Cal alum, you can take advantage of special access to life, health, dental, and other insurance programs.

Happy Family AMBA

Alumni Benefit

As a Cal alum, you can take advantage of special access to insurance through Association Member Benefits Advisors LLC, and well-known providers. This means you can secure essential protection worry-free. Cal alumni have access to:

Health Care

Short-Term Medical Insurance
Short-term coverage ideal for recent grads or alumni currently not covered by an employer’s plan.
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Major Medical Insurance
Reliable coverage options at competitive rates.
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Life Insurance (10-year term)

An affordable insurance plan guaranteed to stay level for 10 years. Alumni and their spouses under age 65 are eligible to apply.
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Long Term Care Insurance

A program designed to help relieve the financial burden associated with the cost of prolonged health care services.
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Dental and Vision Insurance

Comprehensive dental coverage for alumni and their families.
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To Learn More and Enroll

Contact AMBA at 1.888.560.ALUM (2586) and state that you are a Cal alum.
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