The CAA Fund Society
The CAA Fund Society recognizes and thanks annual donors whose generous leadership gifts underscore a reverence for the past and a commitment to the future of UC Berkeley.
CAA Fund Giving Benefits
Bancroft Society ($1,000+)
• Priority online registration for select CAA events
• Special name recognition in California magazine
• Membership in The Charter Hill Society: Berkeley’s Annual Giving Recognition Program†
• Advance notice of CAA’s Achievement Award recipients, including Alum of the Year
• Special name recognition on CAA website
Oxford Society ($2,500+)
• One complimentary annual CAA Membership
Gayley Society ($5,000+)
• One complimentary campus single-day parking pass♦
Hearst Society ($10,000+)
• Private annual event with alumni leaders
CAA’s giving benefits do not have a significant fair market value. Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
If a gift is made through charitable organizations or funds such as private foundations, donor advised funds, charitable trusts, IRA rollovers, etc., the organization or fund may need to decline benefits, especially if the benefits are more than incidental. Donors should consult their tax advisors to clarify all applicable tax rules.
Gifts count toward donor’s total lifetime giving to Cal. Gifts are also applied to The Campaign for the Cal Alumni Association and The Campaign for Berkeley.
Included are your outright gifts, plus corporate matching gifts collected and applied to your giving record, as well as pledge payments made during the fiscal year (January 1–December 31).
♦CAA is not responsible for lost or damaged parking passes. Passes will not be replaced. CAA is not responsible for and does not guarantee parking availability.
†The Charter Hill Society is a group of alumni, parents, and friends who share a lasting affinity for the University of California, Berkeley and an extraordinary commitment to preserving and enhancing its excellence in education, research, and public service. Learn more about the Charter Hill Society.
The CAA Fund Society
Create a Lasting Connection to Cal
The Cal Alumni Association (CAA) gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the donors who contributed $1,000 or more to The CAA Fund between January 1 and December 31, 2023. The CAA Fund Society is a group of alumni and friends who create a lasting connection to Cal through their philanthropic leadership and commitment to our alumni association. An annual contribution of $1,000 or more establishes membership in The CAA Fund Society.
Hearst Society ($10,000+)
Steven N. Bangert ’71 and Beth Bangert
Mark E. Benjamin ’70 and Patricia A. Benjamin
Richard J. Hartje ’65*
Barbara Merat Hughes ’65
Michael W. Konrad Ph.D. ’64
Ying Liu
Edward B. Merchant ’71 and Betsy W. Merchant*
Julie Shin Morgan ’89 and Bradley P. Morgan Ph.D. ’91
Bradford Oelman, Kathryn Oelman Meagher ’67, and Sarah K. Meagher ’01*
Robert A. Rice ’34, M.A. ’47, Ph.D. ’47 and Esther P. Rice
Sandy Rogers ’72 and Jim Rogers ’71
Rowena Leong Singer ’88 and Marc E. Singer ’86
Gayley Society ($5,000+)
Clint and Allison Chao
Richard S. Chin ’70
Wayne F. Chin ’70, M.A. ’71
David L. Critchfield ’74, MBA ’82*
Stephen L. Eastwood ’71
Patricia MacLeod Ellsworth ’56*
Melvin B. Heyman ’72, M.D. and Jody E. Heyman
Lorraine McConnell Komor ’48, M.S.W. ’69
Mary P. Komoto ’78 and Brian K. Komoto***
Tevis P. Martin III ’78 and Lynne Koll Martin ’78
Howard A. McDaniel ’65*
Art B. Wong ’63 and Janet Lewis Wong ’70
Oxford Society ($2,500+)
Leon M. Blum ’56
Morris A. Budak ’70 and Renee Levie Budak ’72
John R. Buford ’78
James G. Chun Jr. ’85
Thomas J. Cutillo and Priscilla A. Myrick ’73*
Walter C. Davie ’54 and Edith Davie
Gregory A. Ginsburg ’84 and Jody A. Ginsburg
Deirdre L. Henry ’78
Thomas B. Housen ’74
Lisa Morris Jones ’85
Leonard E. Look ’83 and Laurie A. Look**
Paul S. Nagata ’79 and Susan S. Nagata**
Norma A. Quan ’70, M.A.T. ’75, Ph.D. ’89
Marsha Roberts ’90
Jun Zhang and Bin Ye
Bancroft Society ($1,000+)
Dick Ackerman ’64 and Linda Ackerman
Steven Algert ’81**
Jesse A. Ante ’68, M.S. ‘70
Mary Reitinger ‘76 and Thomas A. Belshe
Karen Biber ’79 and Thomas W. Holdford
Lawrence R. Brackett ’58 and Berenice G. Brackett
Barbara Hoop Bradley
Linda Cederlund Brune ’75 and Gary L. Brune
Candace C. Callan ’02
Gay Callan ’70
Marc A. Carrasco ’93 and Linda M. Assante Carrasco**
Christina Y. Chan
Ida C. Chan ’94
Thomas M. Chan M.S. ’73
Ko C. Chen ’95
Clarence C. Chia ’03
Paul Churchill ’82, J.D. ’86 and Shelly Ross
Dallan P. Clancy ’76, M.S. ’78 and Karen Leong Clancy ’76
Ramona Cademartori Collins ’87, M.I.M.S. ’02
Bill Connelly and Jennifer L. Connelly ’92*
Elizabeth F. Debreu J.D. ’86
Barbara E. DeNardo
Marjorie G. Edmonston ’98 and Jeffrey I. Edmonston
Andrea P. Eichhorn ’80**
Tosha C. Ellison ’98 and Peter D. Kelly ’02
Richard A. Espinoza ’95
Pelly Fan ’91
Christine M. Feliton ’97 and John R. Feliton III ’97
Brian T. Godsey ’85 and Jill Darcangelo Godsey ’90, MBA ’96
Morrison L. Graf ’81 and Diane M. Graf
Thomas E. Graul ’80
Vladimir R. Grave ’72
Joel M. Hausman ’80 and Betsy Hausman*
Patricia C. Hirano ’88
Glenn A. Hofer ’74 and Diana M. Pope**
Jonathan M. Hoff ’78 and Judy L. Hoff**
Fredric R. Horowitz ’70
William Hsiang ’68 and Panee Hsiang*
Robert E. Izmirian ’68, J.D. ’72 and Suzanne M. Smith*
Robert E. Kates and Janet L. Kates
James A. Kirk ’78
Janet R. Kornegay Ph.D. ’94
Cindy S. Kui ’02
Charles S. Lee ’08
David C. Lee ’03
John L. Lineweaver MBA ’70
Richard T. Lira ’67 and M. Gretchen Taylor*
Jean Everett Livermore ’57
Lawrence K. Lo ’71*
Alvin J. Lobo ’03 and Deborah Lobo*
Peter B. Loer ’01 and Petra N. Loer ’01
Swee Louie-Der
Anne Lord Ludvik ’75, M.L.S. ’77
Steven S. Matusow ’70 and Lois Levy Matusow ’70
Colin F. McCormick M.A. ’99, Ph.D. ’03
Robin Robinson McLean ’55*
Stan Meresman ’68 and Sharon Meresman
Laura Miller and Dave Miller
Cristina L. Miyar M.Arch. ’95
Geraldine Berger Monheimer ’52
Charles V. Morton ’63, M.Crim. ’71
Edward M. Nepomuceno ’98*
Richard R. Nye ’66 and Susan A. Brown
Carla Bryan Pancheco ’59
Steve S. Park ’90**
Kurt E. Petersen ’70 and Carol Petersen
Michael E. Phillips ’71 and Eileen B. Phillips
Cristina C. Pickering ’88
Joseph M. Ponce ’68
Brennan J. Price ’99
Mark B. Raineri ’84
Nithya A. Ramanathan ’98
John H. Raphael ’78*
Tobey H. Roland ’81***
Alfonso R. Salazar III ’90
Robert A. Sanger ’84 and Kristen M. Sanger
Paul L. Schmidbauer MBA ’61, M.A. ’63, Ph.D. ’65*
Libby M. Schwartz ’64 and Herman Schwartz*
Drs. Ximena and Daniel Sessler*
Gary R. Slavit ’78 and Evelyn Margolin*
James A. Slutman ’82
Tomiye Nimura Sumner M.S. ’68
Jiangang Sun LL.M. ’18
Steven E. Thompson M.Arch. ’75
De C. Tran ’89
Bie Shung Henry Tsai P. ’00
Lilian Chi Tsai ’00*
Clifford Tsang ’09
Kevin Vilke ’92
Sandra Reidenbach Westall ’68, M.L.S. ’79 and Michael John Westall ’68, MBA ’80
Barbara A. Wood ’68
Michael B. Wood ’63 and Joanne Y. Wood
Yasuhiro Yamazaki ’65, M.S. ’67
Jenny Yan ’96
Yu-Shuan Yeh M.S. ’65, Ph.D. ’66 and Lucia C. Yeh*
We are proud to honor our dedicated members of The CAA Fund Society.
*5+ years of membership
**10+ years of membership
***15+ years of membership
Please contact us with any corrections.
With Gratitude for Your Support
The Cal Alumni Association gratefully acknowledges donors who have contributed $25,000 or more to the Alumni Scholars Program.