alumni scholars

Cal Corporate Committee Keeps Alumni Connected at Work
Wells Fargo Cal Corporate Alumni Committee Chair Richard Zhu ’09, a graduate of the Haas School of Business and a classical pianist, believes in building community. “We know there are at least 400 Cal alumni working at Wells Fargo and we want them all to join us.” Richard and others encourage new Cal alumni hired at […]

TAAP Scholar Dreams Big and Achieves
Born and raised in Oxnard, California, an agricultural community of Hispanic and Filipino immigrants, Cesar Arroyo ’17 did not encounter the idea of a university education in his childhood. Yet, he never doubted his intent to go to college, and his sister helped pave the way. “She helped me to realize the possibility, and my […]

2016–2017 CAA Alumni Scholars
Join us in acknowledging and congratulating our 2016-2017 Alumni Scholars.

A Letter from the Executive Director | Winter 2016
Dear Alumni and Friends, A new year marks new beginnings for me as Executive Director of the Cal Alumni Association (CAA), and exciting opportunities for Cal students, our ever-loyal Cal alumni and friends, and the University. I am delighted and honored to lead CAA into a future bright with change, challenge, and possibility. I attended Cal as […]

2015: A Golden Year for CAA and The CAA Fund
Thanks to you, we were able to keep our alumni community connected with the University and each other through our alumni programs, publications, and events in 2015. Thanks to your gift, great things are in store for alumni and students in 2016. *Figures represent all gifts to The CAA Fund with a 2015 credit date processed […]

CAA Alumni Scholars are Leading the Way
Born in Grass Valley and raised in Auburn, in the heart of California’s Gold Country, Isabel is one of three siblings who studied within the UC system. Her sister is a junior at Cal, while her brother studied engineering at UC Davis. College was always part of Isabel’s life plan, but Berkeley seemed a distant […]

Cal for Life
Former Leadership Award Scholar Greg Haack ’99 recalls the first time an alumnus took him under his wing. “He really took care of me and advised me to never wear red at Berkeley,” explains Greg, who attended The Leadership Award Recognition Luncheon as a freshman at Cal. This long-standing CAA event illuminated for Greg the […]

Apples for Students
“My biggest fear in coming to Cal was the fear of failure,” says CAA Alumni Scholar Wasseem Syriani ’19, a student in the new CAA Scholar Success Seminar enabled by iPad tablets and Apple software. “This class gave me confidence and the ability to believe more in myself.” Developed in partnership with Berkeley’s Centers for […]

2015-2016 CAA Alumni Scholars
Join us in acknowledging and congratulating our 2015-2016 Alumni Scholars.

A Letter from the Executive Director | Summer 2015
Dear Alumni and Friends, It’s been another incredible year at UC Berkeley and the Cal Alumni Association (CAA). I’m extremely proud of the wide range of CAA programs that engage and inspire the Cal alumni community. From the introduction of The Berkeley Network webinar series to the expansion of CAA Alumni Scholarships and our nationwide volunteer […]

Time to Give
It’s never too late—or too soon—to give back to Cal. Some alums start giving back to Cal from the day they graduate. Others wait years, even decades. Kevin Perkins ’08 is in the first group. He began donating to The CAA Fund within a couple years after graduation. “It’s so easy to say, ‘I can always wait […]

2014-2015 CAA Alumni Scholars
Join us in acknowledging and congratulating our 2014-2015 Alumni Scholars.