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Eva Allan, Ph.D.

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Intending to learn Italian to study opera and music history, Eva Allan studied abroad in Modena, Italy and found herself leading her cohort around museums, churches, and galleries giving impromptu art history lectures. She loved teaching about art enough to pursue graduate study in art history, and obtained degrees from Brown and Yale University with a focus on Italian Renaissance prints. Her dissertation research took her to the major print collections in Europe, where she spread engravings and woodcuts of long triumphal processions over multiple tables. In Italy, she has also lived in Venice, for an internship at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection of modern art; L’Aquila, where she wrote her master’s thesis on a medieval fountain; and most recently spent several months in Lyon, France, which had a Roman amphitheater right in her neighborhood. She has taught a global range of art historical subjects, ranging from prehistoric cave paintings to Chinese Art to Ottoman Architecture and beyond, mostly to undergraduates but also to medical residents, art students, preschoolers, and retirees. In her free time she enjoys playing music—she plays violin and harp—and still loves an evening at the opera.

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