Class Notes: 1952
From: Your Co-Secretaries, Bob Rowell and Elaine (Hartgogian) Anderson
In the fall issue of California magazine, we were informed that Class Notes would no longer appear in the pages of the magazine. Like so many other traditions, the notes will now be available only online. To submit a note, go to: You may also continue to send a note to either of us for forwarding to the alumni office. We will continue to send in a column for each issue of the magazine.
You can view what is already online at: There are pictures of our 70th Reunion, and it was wonderful to see many of you there representing The Golden Crew of ’52!

Hello Classmates – Here are pictures of your Class co-secretaries greeting the group and thanking the Chancellor for making our 70th reunion so successful.

To: The Golden Crew of ’52
From: Your co-secretaries – Bob Rowell & Elaine (Hartgogian) Anderson
Re: Our 70th Reunion, etc.
In the last issue of California Magazine, we promised a report on the
reunion, so here it is. It was a fine event, hosted by Chancellor Carol Christ
in the beautiful University House. The Chancellor greeted everyone on
arrival, joined us for lunch, and gave a wonderful talk. She recalled some of
the major events of 1952 and then provided an update on campus events
and activities. Your co-secretaries spoke briefly and everyone was invited
to introduce themselves and make a statement. There were 42 attendees
seated at tables for 9 or 10, and a member of Rally Committee sat at each
table. Cal band members came by to serenade us and we all joined in
singing All Hail. Our class banner was prominently displayed, and the 70th
reunion was a grand success. Chancellor Christ bade us farewell as we
departed so each of us was able to express our gratitude personally. Fiat
Lux-Let there be light-forever.
Class Notes will be online in the future and alumni are invited to submit
letters directly. Details are in the magazine and we will continue to write a
column online in order to keep in touch with all of you. Cheers to our Alma
Paul Petruzzelli wrote of developments in his life since our college years: Three days after graduating he was on his way to a bicycle tour of Europe. Then OCS in the fall, duty on a destroyer, and a year with the Naval Advisory Group in Korea. He and his wife, Alice, an RN, have a family of four and now great-grandchildren.
Paul has been retired for 30 years, and he and his wife have traveled extensively. A highlight was a 52-day Grand Cruise to the Mediterranean and Africa to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Paul is a “proud alumnus” and two of his granddaughters have attended Cal.
Hail to California! Cal was in the news again for two very significant reasons. Forbes named Cal number one in its college ranking list, and the University has added two more Nobel laureates to that illustrious group. The campus remains relatively quiet as pandemic protocols continue to be observed, but with remote instruction and creative solutions, students continue their academic work. The Axe is back in Berkeley, and the Rowell family hosted its traditional tailgate party for more than 200 people coming and going to the stadium. The tradition began in 1956, and with the impressive Cal victory, there was real cause for celebration. Please remember to mark your calendars and plan to attend the 70th anniversary of our graduation on June 15 at noon on the campus. Invitations will be in the mail in April. See you there!
Class Secretaries: Elaine (Hartgogian) Anderson, 1326 Devonshire Dr, El Cerrito 94530, 510/232-3419; Bob Rowell,
Copy for this column had to be submitted by April 1, so as you read it, our 70th reunion will have already occurred, and we cannot comment on the event. Of course, we will provide a full account of the day’s activities, how many classmates were there, etc. Every member of the Class received a handsome invitation, and we were privileged to work with members of the Office of Alumni Relations, who provided thoughtful and professional assistance. And our deepest gratitude goes to Chancellor Christ for welcoming us to University House. You may recall that in our student years, university President Robert Gordon Sproul and his wife, Ida, lived at University House and often invited students to events there. If you have memories of the Sprouls or the house or any other recollection you wish to share, please send a note. Best wishes to you all, and Fiat Lux!
Class Secretaries: Elaine (Hartgogian) Anderson, 1326 Devonshire Dr, El Cerrito 94530, 510.232.3419; Bob Rowell,