From *Jerry Blalock*: Sorry I missed the class of ’54 reunion. Had other obligations, please forgive. It’s so nice hearing from you all and knowing you’re up and active; probably still inventing great stuff, *Bob Merrick*? Bringing in billions. And *Jim Griffin*, I hear you got the contract to repair the leaks in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline-more billions!
At 90 years, I’m fully retired now. No more gung-ho projects like rowing, flying, bicycling, and attending Cal games (but watch ’em all on TV; Bama too, my Dad’s alma mater), but lots of reading and many little projects. Still volunteering with the Sheriff’s Office (CCW Bureau) and attending the Sheriff’s Air Squadron meetings. Otherwise, life/health is great, with a super family filled with grandkids… even lots of great ones!
One nice event happened to me recently: USAF MGen Bob Hall, a longtime friend and past Commander of the CA Air Guard, put me up for the Wright Bros. Master Pilot Award, which was presented by the FAA for more than 50 years of continuous accident-free flying. See? It pays to stay upright over the years!
And if I’m still upright in ’70, count me in at the next ’54 reunion, especially if it’s at the U Club (always wanted to see that place). Jim, are we going to have a TKE Christmas luncheon this year?
I miss Cal and all you outstanding old friends.
My very best wishes to you and yours…
Go Bears!