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Wines crafted by UC Berkeley alumni.
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Cal for All: Advancing Sustainable and Equitable Futures

Creating lasting change requires collaboration across industries, communities, and generations. Dr. Yvette Gullatt ’88, M.A. ’94, Ph.D. ’05  will discuss ways innovation, sustainability, and equity can drive a better future.


Class Notes: 1964

Class of 1964
Watching for Dragonflies book cover

Suzanne Marriott recently published her memoir, Watching for Dragonflies: A Caregiver’s Transformative Journey, the inspirational story of her spiritual and psychological growth over the ten years she cared for her husband who suffered from multiple sclerosis. 

Class of 1964

Gayle Greene has a new book (her ninth), Immeasurable Outcomes: Teaching Shakespeare in the Age of the Algorithm (Johns Hopkins University Press), a defense of the liberal arts in the form of a memoir of teaching at Scripps College, including a chapter on being an undergrad at Cal. A high point of the chapter is her recollections of March 23, 1962, when John F. Kennedy intoned to a packed Memorial Stadium, “Your faculty includes more Nobel laureates than any other faculty in the world. This college from its earliest beginnings has recognized and its graduates have recognized that the purpose of education is not merely to advance the economic self-interest of its graduates. The people of California, as much if not more than the people of any other state, have supported their colleges and universities and their schools because they recognize how important it is to the maintenance of a free society that its citizens be well educated.” 

Class Secretaries: Julia Engler, PO Box 336, Idleyld Park, OR 97447,; Jon Shawl, 4555 E Mayo Blvd No 53101, Phoenix, AZ 85050,