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Human Behavior

Photo by Julie Cheshire

Building Trust

By Nathalia Alcantara

With deepfakes rapidly becoming a fact of life and conspiracy theories in no short supply, it’s easy to despair over our digital future. We sat down with Coye Cheshire to explore whether we are doomed or not.

Illustration by Michael Byers

Solving for Doomsday

By Hayden Royster

Harold Camping ’42 thought he had calculated when the world would end. Ten years after his death, he still has plenty to teach us about the dangers and appeal of “doing your own research.”


The Bedrock of Good Journalism

By Francisco Martínezcuello

2024 Alum of the Year Bill Whitaker brings integrity to his storytelling.

Photo by Jim Block

Five Questions for Social Psychologist Sa-kiera Hudson

By Nathalia Alcantara

This Berkeley Haas assistant professor is studying a less understood social emotion called “schadenfreude.”


Adversity and Exclusion

By Katherine Blesie

In a new experiment, Berkeley researchers found that racial “contact gaps” were highly concentrated in just a few companies.

NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio

The Edge Episode 25: The Heat with Jeff Goodell 

Don’t let the term “climate change” mislead you. It’s true that our environment is changing in all sorts of ways as we continue to pollute and exploit and manipulate our planet. But even as we brace for more historic typhoons and biblical floods, there’s an invisible and pervasive force that is wreaking havoc on us all: heat. In this episode, we speak with environmental journalist Jeff Goodell about his latest book, The Heat Will Kill You First, the potentially lethal effects that rising temperatures will have on our lives and on our planet, and what we can do to prepare for it.


Blog Calls out Bogus Data

By Pat Joseph

It was a new wrinkle in a bombshell story. Not one, but two superstar researchers appear to have independently faked data for two separate, highly publicized studies about (irony of ironies!)

“Nakata,” Roamer October 1910 Album, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California.

Nakata’s Smile: Unlocking the Diaries of Jack London’s Valet

By Aleta George

The reference librarian slid the archival container across the counter. “This looks like a fun box to look through,” he said. I smiled behind my face mask.

Courtesy of Emilie Raguso

On the Story: Emilie Raguso Covers Berkeley’s Crime Beat Like No One Else

By Margie Cullen

When news first broke that a human skeleton was found hidden under a building on Berkeley’s Clark Kerr campus, Emilie Raguso was horrified.

Margaret being sworn in as a judge as her mother and daughter look on (Courtesy of the Fujioka family)

Her Honor: Judge Carries Lessons Handed Down From Heart Mountain

By Martin Snapp

On January 11, 2017, Margaret Fujioka ‘79 took the oath of office in the Rotunda of Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland as the first Japanese American woman Superior Court judge in Alameda County. She was flanked by her proud mother, husband, and children, but her thoughts turned to two people who weren’t there: her late father, Yoshiro “Babe” Fujioka, and his hero, his big brother Teruo “Ted” Fujioka.

Lift Your Gaze

By Pat Joseph

At the height of the pandemic, I took a motorcycle safety course—partly for research, partly for the hell of it. Most of what I learned has since been forgotten or relegated to muscle memory, but one thing has stuck in my mind: target fixation.

Illustration by Pushart

Dacher Keltner is Awe-Inspired, and You Should Be Too

By Laura Smith

What Dacher Keltner teaches isn’t likely to land you a job on Wall Street or even make you more hireable, but that’s not really the point.