2019 Fall

Warning! AI Is Heading for a Cliff
Stuart Russell wants to harness AI before it’s too late. Asked if the race to achieve superhuman artificial intelligence (AI) was inevitable, Stuart Russell, UC Berkeley professor of computer science and leading expert on AI, says yes. “The idea of intelligent machines is kind of irresistible,” he says, and the desire to make intelligent machines […]

Living with Delusions: Navigating Mental Illness at Cal
A student’s account of psychosis, isolation, and love I am susceptible to believing, with complete conviction, things that aren’t true. All my adult life I have resided on the psychotic spectrum, a set of serious mental disorders that interfere with properly interpreting stimuli, resulting in social, emotional, and cognitive difficulties—what I call my “thought problems.” […]

Chancellor’s Letter: The Year of Implementation
Budget balanced and plans aplenty as the new school year begins As you read this, a new academic year is getting underway on the Berkeley campus. It’s a wonderful time of renewal and excitement; an excellent opportunity to reflect on the road we have recently traveled as well as the one that lies ahead. Cal’s […]

Editor’s Note
The world of UC Berkeley and Berkeley in the world I like to say this magazine is about two things: It’s about the world of UC Berkeley, and it’s about Berkeley in the world. Which is to say, it’s about Cal and its outsize influence on our culture, human knowledge, and global affairs. Our mission, […]