2020 Spring

Berkeley Law Says Goodbye to Boalt Name
Famed law school is now housed in “The Law Building” ON THE MORNING OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, UC carpenter Joe Poppi chiseled away the name “Boalt Hall” from the façade of the UC Berkeley law school. It was the culmination of a long debate after revelations surfaced about the building’s namesake’s racism. “There is no […]

International House, Cal’s Pillar of Diversity, Celebrates 90 Years
Welcome to the United Nations of Berkeley. FOR INTERNATIONAL HOUSE ALUMNA BERNICE TAJIMA, the days after February 19, 1942, were a race against the clock. President Roosevelt had just signed an executive order forcibly relocating people of Japanese descent from their West Coast homes to internment camps across the country. In this climate of extreme […]

Meet the Critters of Cal’s Campus
Everything you never knew about Berkeley zoology Campus is teeming with more than just students; a wide variety of wildlife can also be found in Berkeley’s backyard. From the mountain lions that roam around the Lawrence Hall of Science to the three-spined sticklebacks in Strawberry Creek, here are a few of the critters who call […]

He’d Lost Faith in Journalism. Then He Started Teaching in Prison.
Berkeley’s William Drummond talks reporting from San Quentin In 2012, William Drummond had begun to lose faith in journalism. A changing media landscape in the age of the Internet had led to what he saw as an abandonment of the fundamentals. So when the Berkeley journalism professor was invited to teach a class at the […]

News Flash: Weed Isn’t Exactly Legal.
What’s changed since California voters passed Prop. 64? NOT FAR FROM THE OREGON BORDER, in the serendipitously named city of Weed, the Hi-Lo Café boasts a display of cannabis-themed souvenirs. Among the buttons and baseball caps are Bic lighters that urge smokers to “Enjoy Weed,” “Got Weed?” coffee mugs, and refrigerator magnets bearing the legend […]

Jack Scott and the Jock Liberation Army
In the early 1970s even athletes were swept up by the revolutionary spirit.