2023 Fall/Winter
How to Turn Desert Air Into Water
By Esther OhMetal organic frameworks offer solutions to "the greatest problems facing our planet."
What Your Brain Sounds Like On Music
By Pat JosephUsing artificial intelligence software, Berkeley scientists successfully reconstructed the Pink Floyd song “Another Brick in the Wall” from recordings made of electrical activity in patients’ brains as they listened.
Same Bat Channel
By Margie CullenBats, they’re just like us!
Botox, Green Screens, and “Factor X”
By Pat JosephMore things you never knew came from Cal
They Don’t Exist, But They Went to Cal
By Pat JosephFictional characters with Berkeley backgrounds
6 Questions for Pulitzer Prizewinner Hua Hsu
By Hayden RoysterThe New Yorker writer and author on his memoir of Berkeley
Normal (Asian) Lives
By Esther OhFans of comics wunderkind Adrian Tomine may have rested easy upon seeing the film adaptation of his 2007 graphic novel Shortcomings this past summer.
Hot and Getting Hotter
By Pat JosephGoodell examines the most obvious effect of warming: Extreme heat.
Marshawn Lynch Acts Like an Actor
By the editors at California magazine… and other Berkeley movies, books, and entertainment
The Man Who Came to Class by Plane
By Bill Zhou, M.Eng. ’23 As told to Margie Cullen, M.J. ’22I really loved transportation growing up.
Clearing a High Bar
By Pat JosephIt may not say so on the cover, but the organizing theme of this issue is creativity—what it is, how it works, what it says about us as human beings.
Berkeley Goes to Silicon Valley—and Space!
By Chancellor Carol T. ChristWe have recently been reminded that creativity comes in packages large and small.