2010 Fall Have We Got Issues

Blown Proportions?
Why the BP oil spill may not be as bad as we thought. On April 20, an accident aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig off the coast of Louisiana released a geyser of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Early news reports looked devastating: pelicans dripping with oil, hermit crabs struggling through sludge, and out-of-work fishermen […]

Science You Can Drink To
A Berkeley Staffer’s nontraditional use for lab equipment. Last fall with Oktoberfest just around the corner, Phil Broughton, a radiation safety technician at Berkeley, found himself in need of a stein: “I had a really nice earthenware one, so I tore the kitchen apart looking for it.” He didn’t find the stein, but he did spot […]

Leary’s Legacy
People still have issues with the Sixties. It was a decade of idealism and divisiveness. Three years into the decade, Bob Dylan railed against mothers and fathers throughout the land. Don’t criticize what you can’t understand. Jim Morrison proclaimed we want the world, and we want it … now. Much of this can be explained […]

Holding up an Ancient Mirror
From jewelry to disasters, antiquities have much to tell us about ourselves. “Pompeii is our ground zero for disaster,” Kenneth Lapatin ’84, Ph.D. ’94, says, sitting in LAX airport, waiting for a flight to Paris to gather art for the exhibition Last Days of Pompeii: Decadence, Apocalypse and Resurrection that will open at the Getty Museum […]